Friday, December 6, 2013

What Being a White Man Trying Hard to Look Progressive by Retweeting Viral Quotes from Nelson Mandela's Writings That I Never Read Has Taught Me About Social Media

One of the secrets I"ve learned from social media is that it's not about what you're trying to achieve - it's about giving hope to others who might retweet the wisdom of others who you share so that you get retweeted - not to gain followers, of course - but to be seen as someone who gives hope to others by using the wisdom of others to give hope and human value and delight and remarkability on Social Media.

Take Nelson Mandela. He just died. I remember back when I was in junior high school when I learned about his freedom from North Africa after watching a news clip on Youtube. I was inspired. I was inspired by his struggle to free his country from slavery.

Today I found this wonderful image to left, or right, or above, or below...I'm not sure because I'm not very good with HTTML and SCC code.

You see, as a white man, I"m always afraid people will think I don't get what the blacks went through. But I do. I read history books in my Social Studies class. I once wore a black glove on my left hand for a whole month in Febrary. I also once read a poem by Maya Angelou. And I subscribe to Smoothiefreak.

This is the part I LOVE about Social Media. You can use it to do good and learn about history the right way. Like sharing the wisdom of a great man who touched the earth and made the world a better place. Twinspiration I call it.

I agree with Nelson Mandela: We have just got to learn to live as brothers (and sisters too) or else we'll perish together like fools.

So what have I learned? I've learned that it's okay to be a white man who isn't ashamed to post pictures and quotes of famous dead people...even if they're black. It's okay to take a stand on Twitter. It not only makes me look like I'm in tune with human rights for all mankind, but it also gives hope to my followers.

I have learned that hope is more retweetable than hate. That's how Nelson Mandela gained followers: he tweeted 9 tweets of hope for every 1 tweet of hate. It's the Golden Ratio of Social Media.

If you follow me, we can learn to live together. If you don't, I guess we'll perish. So follow me.